Monday, November 11, 2013

Investment in Equity

21000 or 22000 that is the number everyone is talking about, but what is it. It is where all the analyst are saying the Sensex would touch. So if it touches this magic number means it is going up. Yes by the simple logic, if something is at 20000 and reaches 21000, it is going up. So if I invest in the sensex 20000 today and I sell when it reaches 21000, I will make 1000. But I cannot invest in the sensex unless I invest in a sensex mutual fund. I want to invest in equity directly, what should I do?

Do I invest today or wait till it falls more, so that I can make more money. Going by the current environment if I am not careful, I could lose heavily. So if you have not invested in equity earlier, you need to be careful. Most of the time, I have seen, when people invest for the first time in equity, they just invest based on reading in the newspaper, magazine or listening to a friend or relative or now the latest fad TV. It’s better to do your homework. Since this is your first time in equity, you need to tread with caution.
Investing in equity is similar to gambling, but this is more of authorized gambling. You would have a heard of many persons making a fortune in equity Warren Buffet is one of them. But you would have also heard of many of them losing money as well and you would not like to be one of them. Many have made a lot of money in a short span of time, some to longer. You may call it luck, but the one who made the money would call it educated investment and timing. Anyways you have decided that this is the best option, so what do you do?

First of all, you need to open a trading and demat account. You cannot do any investment in the market without a demat account. What do you do next? Instead of what to do next, let’s see what not to do. As it is your first time, do not buy in large quantities, I’m sure you do not want to lose too much money till you start understanding how the market works. Don’t try to do bottom fishing, i.e. trying to enter the market when the price is low. It is never the right time. Even the best of professionals have not been able to time the market.
Do your study and buy a stock which you very strongly feel would do well. Do not go by tips, most of the time tips are leaked by persons who are trying to get out of a particular stock. Last of what not to do, is sell in panic. There would be many times when the whole market falls, whenever the whole market falls, your stock would also fall, so wait for the market to recover. If you have done your study and you are sure of the stock, stick to it, unless your study shows some fundamental change.

Don’t try to enter and exit the market at a fast pace, that is for professional gamblers, whom we all call day traders. This is a whole time activity. All day traders do not consistently make money. There are ups and downs in everything we do. If you invest in equity, do it for the long term. Long term in equity always gives good returns. Studies have shown that the stock market is the only market all over the world which has always grown and its returns are always better than inflation. Some time back I said trading in equity is gambling and as you were reading you agreed, but then why are we still suggesting investing in equity.
As I mentioned if invested properly equity investments can give you good returns, yes you could lose money as well. But equity investment is not for the light hearted, you should be able to take the hit. As it is said, high risk gives high returns. There will be times when you would lose money and you should be able to take that into your stride. The first year will be your learning period. As you start investing and tracking your investments, you will start getting more insights of the complicated market and the number of factors you need to look at.

As I said there will be times you would lose money and sometimes you would make money. But as you start tracking you will learn a lots, let’s give you a start. As we said invest in a stock which you feel strongly about. But what do you look for in that stock. Ensure that the stocks Year on profit is not going down, profits might be good, but also check that there are operating profits as well. Initially go for stocks which are part of the index. These are just some tips. Rest is just study and invest.
Enjoy investing in Equity.


otr214426 said...


otr214426 said...

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Women & Men who want to be independent but cannot afford to leave their responsibilities at home aside will benefit a lot from this concept of work. It makes it easier to maintain a healthy balance between home and work. The family doesn't get neglected and you can get your work done too. You can thus effectively juggle home responsibilities with your career. Working from home is definitely a viable option but it also needs a lot of hard work and discipline. You have to make a time schedule for yourself and stick to it. There will be a time frame of course for any job you take up and you have to fulfill that project within that time frame.

There are many things that can be done working from home. A few of them is listed below that will give you a general idea about the benefits of this concept.

This is the most common and highly preferred job that Women & Men like doing. Since in today's competitive world both the parents have to work they need a secure place to leave behind their children who will take care of them and parents can also relax without being worried all the time. In this job you don't require any degree or qualifications. You only have to know how to take care of children. Parents are happy to pay handsome salary and you can also earn a lot without putting too much of an effort.

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Internet related work
This is a very vast field and here sky is the limit. All you need is a computer and Internet facility. Whatever field you are into work at home is perfect match in the software field. You can match your time according to your convenience and complete whatever projects you get. To learn more about how to work from home, contact us today on workfromhome.otr@gmail.comand our team will get you started on some excellent work from home projects.

Diet food
Since now a days Women & Men are more conscious of the food that they eat hence they prefer to have homemade low cal food and if you can start supplying low cal food to various offices then it will be a very good source of income and not too much of efforts. You can hire a few ladies who will help you out and this can be a good business.

Thus think over this concept and go ahead.