Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Retirement planning when is the right time

I have many people telling me, I’ll discuss when I have the money, but as you keep accumulating the money, you have lost time and the key to making money multiply is time.  Life expectancy is going up regularly, because of better healthcare and increased knowledge of personal care. In addition to this our standard of living is also improving on a daily. All this is leading to longer life, but our working life remains the same. We have time till the age of 60 or 65 to earn, but life expectancy is increasing. As per the statistics they say average life expectancy is 66 in India. Look around you, is it actually so, it is much higher. Though healthcare and personal care has gone up, there is a silent killer which few of us keep track of and that is inflation. This disease Inflation just reduces our purchasing power, petrol which was Rs.9 per litre in 1990 costs Rs.70 today, we don’t know what it would cost some years hence, but are sure it would increase.
Prices of everything has gone up and keeps increasing. As we are on the topic of prices, even healthcare prices are going up. If we continue to invest in our normal style of investing, soon there would be a day, where all your money would be gone. So we need to find a cure for inflation. Since we want to earn better we put in more efforts towards education, which again is an investment as well as a cost. As we study longer our working life reduces, remember, retirement age is not going to change very soon. So the time to make money is shortened. We might live a good life when we are working, but would end up with old age poverty. Everyone expects returns, but for insurance returns is only if you get sick, which comes to you only in your old age and this will lead you to poverty faster, if you do not invest in a medical insurance policy early.
Most of the insurance companies refuse to give insurance to old people or they give it with a lot of restrictions. Just planning for having enough money to take care of your necessities after retirement is not enough, you also need to take care of your medical needs. Medical needs keep increasing with age. So start investing in medical insurance now. Fixed returns are safe, but the returns never beat inflation, hence you need to start investing in high risk securities at a younger age to build the corpus for retirement. You go to any financial planner at the age of 60 and tell him to help you in planning his funds and most would put the money in debt schemes with a visibility of returns as your risk taking capacity is reduced or should I say Nil. Don’t think of retirement planning then, start planning now, however small it might be, let the power of compounding will help you.

Asset allocation is the key to retirement planning, when you are younger, equities is the way to go as you start aging, slowly reduce the quantum in equities and increase your investments in debt, so that by the time you retire a major portion would be in debt, but you would have enough to take you through. You would have noticed that all the time we just did not talk about money, but we also spoke about time. So do not waste time, let us work towards taking precautions against the silent killer and ensure a safe retired life.

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