Friday, August 14, 2015

Learn from Martial Arts

Whenever we see martial arts students train, you would have noticed that they keep doing the same step time after time. The reason is practice, perseverance and repetition makes you a master. Just practicing the step time after time makes a person an expert in that step. Later the person starts becoming an expert in another step and this goes on, till he masters as many steps as he can. Same way when it comes to investing, one must do one thing over and over till the investment grows. The best way to do it is SIP. Now you will ask which fund. Just like martial arts, students just don’t go and start practicing without a teacher guiding them, in the same way, you should look for a good financial guide and follow the steps shown by him.

People talk about diversification, diversification is just doing different steps, which will help you reach your goal, just like martial arts, where the goal is to become the best fighter. You too could reach your goals, by just investing right in SIP and proper diversification. There is no need to keep investing in any and every thing you hear is good and giving good returns. You just need to do your SIP with perseverance and you would become a successful investor.

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