Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Keep your investments under lock and key

Are you one of the persons who has the habit of keeping your money invested in Safe Bank Fixed Deposits? Then this part of the story is for you. Once a man got married to a beautiful girl, he was so possessive of her that he did wanted her to remain beautiful forever. So he locked her up in one room of his house so that no bad air or sunlight would affect her and she would remain beautiful. Initially he would see her everyday, but as years passed, he would see her less frequently and as more years passed he would see her just once a year. He had reached his retirement age, he decided now was the time he would spend with his beautiful wife, but when he opened the door, he saw an old lady. This is what happens when we keep our investments in Safe Bank Deposits, when we need the money, it is not enough as inflation would have reduced its worth. Just like the man, if he had allowed the lady to move around, she would have attempted to look good all the time. Same way if we invest our money properly, our money would work for us. So why don’t you make your money work for you instead of locking it up and then regretting when you need it.

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